End of Course (EOC) Exam is on May 3, 2019!
TWENTY-EIGHT (28) — Number of questions that must be answered correctly in order to pass the History E.O.C.!
- Content Focus from 2018 U.S. History EOC Exam — use this PDF file to see the topics on the last exam.
- Practice Test (6 questions, COMPUTER)
- Practice Test (6 questions, PAPER)
1860’s — Civil War and Reconstruction
1870’s — Westward Expansion
Railroads (opposed by Grangers)
1880’s — Industrial
Oil, coal, iron, and wood (timber)
1890’s — Immigration and big business
3 E’s
+ Ellis Island
+ East Coast
+ Asians
+ Angel Island
+ West Coast
1900’s — Imperialism
+ Hawaii, Alaska
1920’s — Roaring 20’s
+19th Amendment — women vote
1930’s – 40’s — Great Depression and the New Deal
1940’s — World War II
1950’s (to 1990’s) — Cold War
1950’s Red Scare, Korean War, Vietnam conflict starts
1960’s –– Civil Rights Movement
1970’s — Watergate Scandal
1980’s — Reagan era
Five Steps to answering questions on the EOC:
- Read the title of the question
- Know the era (time period)
- Break it down — what stands out?
- Read the question
- Turn the answer choices into questions and/or use process of elimination